Question : Access 2007 Button Images


I have created some images in Photoshop to be used on my buttons in an Access 2007 front end (these are BMP's b/c jpg's don't work on buttons).  I have also created images for labels throughout the application. (these are jpg's)  My labels work fine and look great.

However, when I embed the button images they are easily 7 times bigger than the actual image.  In Photoshop I can set the exact width and height to say 1 inch by .5 inch, but when I load it onto a button, the button becomes 7 inches by 2 inches or so.

Other than resizing the original width and height to something very small, how can I fix this?


Answer : Access 2007 Button Images

A button image should be the size of an icon: not larger them 256 x 256 pixels. I usually keep it to about 72 x 72 pixels.  The only way to do that is save it at that size. I usually use IcoFX ( to create a button image and IrfanView ( to modify an existing image (both free). v-tools ( includes a utility that will list all button images contained within Access.   Google image search is also a great resource.
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