Question : Printing mutipul pages VB.NET 2005


I am current trying to design a printed report for my application. In the subroutine below i am drawing my report. However i need to know how to insert a page break / start a new page. I am populating my page with data from a sql query. once i have reached a certain number of rows i want to be able to start a new page, i have tried adding e.hasmorepages = true after if rn>25 inside my while loop but this seams to generate an infinate number of pages all the same as the first. can anybody please help?

 Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage
 rn = 0
            Dim notes1 As SqlDataReader = getnotes.ExecuteReader
            With notes1
                If .HasRows Then
                    While .Read
                        If rn > 25 Then
                            rn = 0
                        End If
                        fn = notes1(0).ToString
                        g.DrawString(fn, arial, Brushes.Black, (e.MarginBounds.Left + 2), (e.MarginBounds.Top + 30) + (rn * 40))
                    End While
                End If
            End With
        End Try

Answer : Printing mutipul pages VB.NET 2005

Here is a way to do it with a string in a RichTextBox.  If you declare notes1 , rn globally, it should work...
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