Question : Running low on System Resources

I have been struggeling with a problem on a Windows 2003 SP2 server. It is running HCLL Blood Bank and Oracle for Windows. The system is configured with 2GB of RAM.

About every two weeks I have to reboot the server because of running low on system resouces. I believe the problem is eveident in that the Paged Kernel Memeory has reached 323748K. When this happens I get two consistently repeating errors in the event logs:

System Log: EventID 333
An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably. The Registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's image of the Registry.

Application Log: COM+  EventID 4689
The run-time environment has detected an inconsistency in its internal state. This indicates a potential instability in the process that could be caused by the custom components running in the COM+ application, the components they make use of, or other factors. Failed to add Subscription due to Store error.
Server Application ID: {187E5992-2B5C-4961-BED7-6D2B7DD12ABE}
Server Application Instance ID:
Server Application Name: Hemocare LifeLine
Error Code = 0x800705aa : Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
COM+ Services Internals Information:
File: d:\nt\com\complus\src\comsvcs\events\evregistrar.cpp, Line: 323
Comsvcs.dll file version: ENU 2001.12.4720.3959 shp

The Application Vendor wants me to reboot the server once a week. But this is a band-aid. I think the problem is a memory link in their application, but I can't be sure. Have any of you seen this problem before? I have tried to find the GUI to raise the Registry Size Limit but it is not under Advanced System Properties (where the help sites on the web say it should be).


Answer : Running low on System Resources

In contrast to Windows NT/2000, in Windows XP and products of the
Windows Server 2003 family, the registry size limitation has been removed.
The registry code has been redesigned to provide enhanced performance, while
remaining transparent to applications by using existing registry programming

The new registry implementation delivers two key benefits:

Larger registries
Faster queries

Therefore, neither Windows XP nor Windows Server 2003 provide the user
with the option to establish a registry size limit

In contrast to Windows NT/2000, where you can use the System applet
in Control Panel to view the current registry size, Windows XP and Windows
Server 2003 don't provide you with this option. However, to discover how
much data is actually stored in your registry, you can use the Dureg.exe
Resource Kit utility, which can be downloaded from
Although this commandline tool is part of Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit,
it also works fine with Windows Server 2003. Besides estimation of the amount
of data stored in the whole registry, this tool allows you to discover how much
data is stored in any registry subtree, key, or subkey, and also enables you to
search for all occurrences of a text string in the registry.


With reference to rebooting the server frequently, I think your application vendor is trying to get away with this simple workaround.  Do not let him go.  Ask him to tell the reason why do you need to reboot the server and also ask him to provide a solution.
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