Question : formatting a string in

i was trying to format a string.
lets say a="abc" i want to format it in according to the field mask provided (for example if the field mask is @@###@@ the result is @@abc@@). I dont want to do concatenation operation. is there any way to do this using string.format or any other format function. the format function i used wasn't working for strings. i wrote the following line to print the result
dim a as string="abc"
  MsgBox(Format(a, "@@###@@") 'it showed me @@###@@
 any ideas???

Answer : formatting a string in

I think iboutchkine was going for something along the lines of:

Dim s As String
       s = "abc"
       s = String.Format("@@@{0:###}@@@",s)

Notice the Second parameter to the String.Format
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