Question : Reference option button
I have a function that will perform a task in one of three diffeernt ways depending on the selection of a radio button in an excel worksheet. I need to be able to reference each radio button and see if it is checked or not, but I can't find a way of doing this. I have been trying things like
If ActiveSheet.OptionButtons(
lue = -1 Then
If Sheets("TechnicalData").Op
Value = -1 Then
but neiter of these work. Can someone please tell me how this is done?
Thank you
Answer : Reference option button
If it's an option button from the Forms Toolbar, then the code would most likely be:
If Sheets("TechnicalData").Op
s("Option Button 19").Value = 1 Then
since they default to having spaces in the name, and the value when checked is 1.
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