Question : Imported Excel spreadsheet null values unsearchable in Access

I am having an inssue with being unable to search for null or empty fields in a table that was originally imported from a FoxPro database, dumped into an Excel spreadsheet.  When I search for an IsNull value or for an Empty String ("") value I get norecords, even though there are plenty of records with the specified field empty.  I don't remember having a hard time wih this in any of my records created from scratch in Access.  I need to be able to search for the empty fields but have no working criteria.

Answer : Imported Excel spreadsheet null values unsearchable in Access

you may have uprinted characters on those fields.
run a query against the table like this

select fieldName, len([FieldName]) from TableX
where len([FieldName])=0

see if that query returns record, then try this query

select fieldName, len([FieldName]) from TableX
where len([FieldName])>0
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