Question : How Do I Test If A PivotItem Exists?

I'm using 'Removed' as a flag in a sheet I make a pivot table off of.
This code hides the 'Removed' records in the table but will return an error if there are no records with the 'Removed' Flag.

        With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TradeBreaks").PivotFields("BreakStatus")
        .PivotItems("Removed").Visible = False
        End With

How can I test to see if the PivotItem exists?

Answer : How Do I Test If A PivotItem Exists?

Hi stopher2475,
The reason you get an error with this when Removed is not there is that you try accessing a property of a non existing object (Nothing)

>         With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TradeBreaks").PivotFields("BreakStatus")
>         .PivotItems("Removed").Visible = False
>         End With

>         With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TradeBreaks").PivotFields("BreakStatus")
           if not(.PivotItems("Removed") is nothing) then
>         .PivotItems("Removed").Visible = False
            end if
>         End With

this way if the remove item is not there the manipulation on it would not occur and you will get no error.
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