Question : specifications for "lagetfields" function?

Does anyone have a specific reference for the "laGetFields" function?  This function is used in an answer in the Microsoft support center for exporting Foxpro data fields (including memo fields) to a delimited text file.  The article is at  .
A couple of answers in the forum in response to questions about exporting memo fields simply cut-and-pasted the above article as a response .... but does anyone have info on the laGetFields function used in that article?

Answer : specifications for "lagetfields" function?

"does anyone have info on the   laGetFields   function  used in that article?"

Based on the example in the link you included,   laGetFields  is NOT a 'function'.  
Instead it is a memory variable.

On the link it is used...
    USE GETFILE('dbf', 'Select DBF')   && Prompts for table to be used.
    lnFieldCount = AFIELDS(laGetFields)

If you know VFP, you should be familiar with the AFIELDS() command which will return the field parameters of the SELECT'd data table into the array which is referenced within the command.

If you are not familiar with the command I recommend that you look at your VFP Help file.

In the example above, the memory variable   laGetFields  would be populated with the name of the array that would receive the data table field parameters from the table which the user selected with the GETFILE()   command which immediately preceded the line with the AFIELDS()  command.

Good Luck

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