Question : Updataing XLstart with a personal.xls module

I have created a macro and saved in personal.xls of my PC.  I now want to get this module into another users personal.xls so they can use it on demand by either a command button on the toolbar or shortcut keys.

1. I open the file from floppy at the users PC through Excel and personal.xls is now an active spreadsheet.

2. How do I save the module that I want out of personal.xls from the floppy into the personal.xls of the user, so it will be available to run anytime they are in excel.


Answer : Updataing XLstart with a personal.xls module

From MS Excel help...

1 Open the workbook that contains the module and the
  workbook you want to copy the module to.
2 On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Visual
  Basic Editor.
3 On the View menu, click Project Explorer  .
4 Drag the module you want to copy to the destination
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