Question : Promoting secondary dns server to primary

I currently have two DNS servers.  One acting as the primary, and the other as the secondary.  I need to promote the secondary to a primary and the primary demoted to the secondary.

I think I know how to do this, but it is very important that I know EXACTLY how to do it considering they are production servers and there can be no room for error.

Please let me know what steps need to be made in order to make this transition.  Remember there can be almost zero downtime as far as domain name resolution goes.

They are both Windows 2000 servers.



Answer : Promoting secondary dns server to primary

make sure that the information is consistent in them
upgrade the secondary zone to primary (now you will have 2 primaries)
delete the zone from the old primary
delete the zone file in c:\winnt\system32\dns
create a new secondary zone

the overall process shouldn't take you long (unless you replicate over a 56K modem and you have a class A domain)
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