Question : No Netware NDS Trees detected
I am asking this related question because I just had a user encounter this same issue this morning after they were prompted to change their domain password. During the last 3 years that we've been running SBS 2003 this has not occurred. After the password was changed this was the following message:
"No NetWare NDS trees were detected, unable to perform change password operation. You may need to change your password separately on NetWare 2.X and 3.X servers that are not part of a password synchronization scheme. Use SETPASS (located in the SYS\\PUBLIC directory on NetWare servers) to do this."
After clicking Yes machine logged on normally. I found the original post and answer and took a quick look to see if I could find anything in the Network Connections and didn't see anything specifically having to do with Netware Network. Is there something specific I should be looking for? It could be that this may never occur again but as it being the first time, would this be indicating some behavior that I should be monitoring activity on this particular machine?
Answer : No Netware NDS Trees detected
Look in the control panel under add remove programs, then uninstall the netware client if you don't have any netware servers in your environment.
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