Question : SBS Backup - 'The saved selection file "Script.bks" cannot be found.'

The SBS backup only worked once, after a thorough repair of SBS.

Every time since, the error log is what you'll see below.
I've removed the Small Business Backup Script.bks from the backup directory, but that didn't help.
I saw an article which referred to a registry entry, but I don't know which specific entry it is.
The same article referred to editing  bkprunner.exe, but I don't know with what, or what to change.
I have no idea if there is a settings file for bkprunner.exe that I can delete or edit.

I've been using  ntbackup  for now, which does run.


5/22/2007 12:40 PM
Date: 5/22/2007
Time: 12:40 PM
User: administrator

Backup Runner started.
Launching NTBackup: ntbackup.exe backup "@C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Backup\Small Business Backup Script.bks" /d "SBS Backup created on 5/22/2007 at 12:40 PM" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m normal /j "Small Business Server Backup Job" /l:s /f "E:\SBS Backup 2007\Backup Files\Small Business Server Backup (05).bkf" /UM
NTBACKUP LOG FILE: C:\Documents and Settings\SBS Backup User\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\backup01.log
The saved selection file "Script.bks" cannot be found.
The saved selection file "Script.bks" cannot be found.
NTBackup finished the backup with errors.

For more information about failed backups, see the article on troubleshooting your backup at the following Web page:

Backup ended at Tuesday, May 22, 2007 12:40 PM
Backup Runner finished.

Answer : SBS Backup - 'The saved selection file "Script.bks" cannot be found.'

The issue can also be caused by the incorrect content of the "script.bks" file. Open the Small Business Backup Script.bks file with the notepad.
If you see:
JET SERVERNAME\Microsoft Information Store\Recovery Storage Group\ , this problem will appear because NTbackup is not able to back up the Recovery Storage Group either via the script or directly via the NTbackup GUI.

To correct it, you can use NTbackup to remove Recovery Storage Group reference from the backup selection script:

Make a backup of the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Backup\Small Business Backup Script.bks" file and remove the one line.
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