Question : Import .frm into access using "Application.LoadFromText acForm.."

I am using Access 2007, my boss gave me a folder with *.frm, *.frx, *.dsr, *.dca, and *.dsx files in them. They are for a old Access DB (on a server) he used to have. I have another DB with the data (nothing but tables). So I need to re-create this DB as one program. I am a freshman CIS major, working as an intern, and am the only IT guy here. In any case all I need to do (I think) is to import these forms and from there I can figure out the queries I need to place the data onto the forms.

I have tried the following Visual Basic code (below) and am getting a runtime error 2128

I have attached 2 files as they might help - perhaps i am wrong in trying to import these *.frm files - just to be clear I do not have the front end of this DB which would allow me to import these forms from another Access DB. Thanks in advance!
Code Snippet:
Option Compare Database
Sub ImportMyForm()
    Application.LoadFromText acForm, "frmNewMain", "C:\_Work_Related_LibertyAsset\DataBases\UpgradingPrev_Ver\Saleman\SourceCode\MsAccess_Version\frmMain.frm"
End Sub

Answer : Import .frm into access using "Application.LoadFromText acForm.."

I'm afraid you are on a wild goose chase here.

The files you refer to are Visual Basic files not Access files.
There's no way you are going to import them into Access.

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