Question : Running Adprep on win2000 domain
I am trying to add win2k3 server to my virtual world..
I have the OS installed, but im getting an error when trying to make it a DC. I have a picture attached of the error I am receiving. It says to run adprep on the source forest machine...
The main server is in production.. is running adprep going to do any damage or effect my users?
Basically what im asking is if i prepare the domain for the 2003 environment, is my current environment going to be ok while this runs?? I wont have any users logging in our out during this short process...
Answer : Running Adprep on win2000 domain
I've done a bunch of these.
The users in your current environment will not even notice when you do the
adprep /forestprep
adprep /domainprep. Both of these make changes to the schema and will not affect domain functionality.
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