Question : How to save record changes in a sub-form
I set-up buttons on my main form to manipulate data in my sub-form datasheet. It's a standard set of buttons, such as MoveNext, MovePrevious, Add, Delete...etc.
Below is an example of MoveNext that I did. The only button I am still struggling with is Save Changes Button. Can you plesae help.
Private Sub cmdGoToNext_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_MyProc
'Deassign all objects.
Exit Sub
'Error handler here
Select Case (Err.Number)
Case 3021
MsgBox "You reached the end of the list."
Case Else
MsgBox (Err.Description)
End Select
Resume Exit_MyProc
End Sub
Answer : How to save record changes in a sub-form
Changes are saved automatically when you move from one record to another or close the form. If you want to save without doing either of these a simple
in your save changes button should give the desired result.
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