Question : Refresh contents of a list box displayed on form, using VBA

I have a simple set of routines that allows me to select multiple MS Project files saved in an Access DB format and delete them.  On loading the form (all of this is done in Access) a list box is loaded showing the name of all the MS Project files saved in the DB.  I can select multiple ones and delete them from the DB.  The problem I having is getting the list box on the form to reload and refresh showing the updated list without the ones I just deleted.  Below are the two functions I use - 1st is the procedure called when clicking the "Delete" button; next is the routine I call to reload the list box:

[as you should be able to see, I try the repaint and refresh actions, but neither of these work.  I have actually put a debug stop in the coding right after the point where the selected MS Projects are actually deleted from the table and I can confirm that they are deleted.  When I do this, then once the load list box routine runs, I get the proper list in the list box.  This leads me to believe that there is some time delay between when the deletions are "committed" in the DB that is longer than it takes to requery for the list box info.  Thus, for some reason, I'm getting "ghost" records.  Don't know if this is the case though.  Also, I tried using a Table/Query binding and using the refresh method and got the same result.  Plus, I'd like to stick to VBA manipulation of these controls.  Any ideas, help are welcome.]

Private Sub cmdDeleteProj_Click()
    Dim intCount As Integer 'counter
    Dim varItem As Variant 'for loopping through the items selected in the listbox
    Dim rtnDelete As Variant 'returns 3 options from the delete dialog box
    Dim astrDeleteProjects() As String 'array to hold names of selected items
    If lstDeleteProject.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
        'Establish 1) the number of selected items, 2) size the array to the number of selected items, _
                   3) fill the array with the MSP_PROJECT!PROJ_NAME value from the selected items
        intCount = lstDeleteProject.ItemsSelected.Count
        ReDim astrDeleteProjects(intCount)
        intCount = 0
        For Each varItem In lstDeleteProject.ItemsSelected
            astrDeleteProjects(intCount) = lstDeleteProject.Column(0)
            intCount = intCount + 1
        Next varItem
        'Loop through the array of selected items: 1) ask to delete, if No, ignore and go to next, 2) if Yes, delete _
                                                   3) if Cancel, exit sub and re-load the listbox
        For intCount = 0 To lstDeleteProject.ListIndex - 1
            strFileName = astrDeleteProjects(intCount)
            strFilePath = Application.CurrentProject.FullName
            rtnDelete = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to delete the MS Project file " & vbCr & _
                "'" & strFileName & "' from the PMA 202 database", vbYesNoCancel, "Delete Project?")
            Select Case rtnDelete
                Case 6 'Yes for Delete
                    DeleteFromDatabase Name:="<" & strFilePath & ">\" & strFileName & "", FormatID:="MSProject.MDB8"
                Case 2
                    Call LoadDeleteList
                    Exit Sub
            End Select
        Next intCount
        MsgBox "Please select an MS Project to delete from the database.", vbOKOnly, "Select Project"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Call LoadDeleteList
End Sub

Private Sub LoadDeleteList()
    Dim cnConnection As ADODB.Connection
    Dim strConnection As String
    'Set connection info
    Set cnConnection = New ADODB.Connection
    strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & CurrentProject.Path & "\PMA202_Test.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;"
    cnConnection.Open strConnection
    cnConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    'set recordset Info
    Dim rsRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rsRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
    lstDeleteProject.RowSource = "" 'clear any previous items in the listbox
    'get the recordset data
    With rsRecordset
        .CursorType = adOpenDynamic
        .LockType = adLockOptimistic
        .Open "Select PROJ_ID, PROJ_NAME From MSP_PROJECTS Order By MSP_PROJECTS.PROJ_NAME", CurrentProject.Connection
    End With
    'load the returned data in the listbox
    Do While Not rsRecordset.EOF
        lstDeleteProject.AddItem (rsRecordset!PROJ_NAME)
    Set rsRecordset = Nothing
    Set cnConnection = Nothing
End Sub

Answer : Refresh contents of a list box displayed on form, using VBA

What about doing this then:

Me!lstDeleteProject.RowSource = ""
Me!lstDeleteProject.RowSource = "Select PROJ_ID, PROJ_NAME From MSP_PROJECTS Order By MSP_PROJECTS.PROJ_NAME;"

This should technicaly set the Listbox to blank, refresh, then re-pull in the records and refresh again.
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