Question : my ip is blacklisted and when i remove it it comes back
we have in our server Microsoft exchange version 6.5, and when we try to send people messages they comes back, i check my IP and i find it that its listed in the XBL. I go to cbl.abuseat and i remove it. but after few hours or one day i have the same problem and its listed on the same site.
I have full license of Worry-Free Business Security Trend micro version 6 and i did scan the server from the viruses or spams and still i have the same problem.
Please help me how to avoid this problem and i dont want to be listed anymore
Thank you
Answer : my ip is blacklisted and when i remove it it comes back
Hello flf4ea,
Test your mail server here :
Use this link :
to see where you're blacklisted.
Read my first post here :
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