Question : Exchange 2010 tools on Win2003 x32
I have installed a (test) Ex2010 server on Win2008 x64 but my Domain Controllers are Win2003 x32, I know there is various exchange related stuff that can be done through the Active Dir (delete users in AD which automatically deletes mailboxes?) but the Ex2010 tools will not install in Win2003.
Is there a way round this?
Will I be missing functionality if my DC's don't have the Ex2010 tools installed?
Answer : Exchange 2010 tools on Win2003 x32
No, the Exchange 2010 tools can only be installed on a Windows 64Bit platform.
You cannot use Active Directory to manage Exchange 2010 mailboxes like you could with Exchange 2000/20003 it all needs to be done through the Exchange Management Console.
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