Question : max of date
I have a table [qdfdata] with data :
[glassmodelid] [variant] [from] [to]
the from and to dates are date property in the table.
GlassModelID GlassQualID Description From To
032151 007 1.3 Hatchback 3d 1297cc 04/09/2001 30/10/2002
032151 003 1.3 Hatchback 3d 1297cc 01/09/1999 31/01/2000
032151 002 1.3 Hatchback 3d 1297cc 01/04/1999 31/08/1999
032151 001 1.3 Hatchback 3d 1297cc 06/01/1997 31/03/1999
what i would like is the min of the from date and the max of the to date so here i would expect from 6/1/1997 to 30/10/2002.
how do i extract the min and max of dates i tried but it doesnt work its almost like it treats the dates as strings
Answer : max of date
What are the adtatypes of From & To in your table ?
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