Hi JP,
I would agree Mike, if you have no more "complicated" data than this it is better to leave it in Excel.
Access (databases in general) are better in providing big amounts of data and not as good as Excel in calculations. But nevertheless it is possible.
I created a little demo database and an Excel file which uses a direct connection to the Access database to show you how you can insert data which was calculated in Access into an Excel sheet. The solution provides a direct access to the table (query) in Access and is not static so if you want to refresh it, do it in the "data" tab of Excel with the Refresh button. This will reload the data from the query with actual values.
Further calculations like you have in your Excel file and further demonstrated by Mike would be easier and better be done in Excel. So Access can provide Excel with all the needed sales data of a big database and Excel can reload it with a simple click and calculate the more complicate calculations. They CAN be done in Access but it's a lot easier to do in Excel.
If the Refresh doesn't work you must go to the connection settings beneath the Refresh button and browse for the Access file on your file system and save the new definition. In the lower area of the definition tab of the connection properties you can set a name of a query or a direct SELECT statement to retrieve any data from the database.
BTW: This works in the same way with any database you have access to, not only Access.