Question : How to populated a row of a subFORM, with too much collumns of values and no scrollbars
here is the problem. I need to populate a row of data from a subfolder, with too much collumns to allow a clear view of all of them in a single subfolder ( elevators are not allowed)
The solution I think about is to enter the common data of each single row and than ask the user to click a command button to populate that row, using a very simple (but independant) spreatshhet..
Is this correct?
Can I link the activation of a command button to the content of a row (obviously that command button must only be activated when a NEW row is created, not before
Thanks for your allwas clever answers
Answer : How to populated a row of a subFORM, with too much collumns of values and no scrollbars
Your database is a bit overwhelming for a sample.
Here is a basic sample of what you are trying to accomplish.
I am sure you can analyze it and adapt it to work in your database.
(800 KB)
(File Type Details)
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