Question : How to minimize a VFP 7 application to the system tray
Does anyone know how to minimize a VFP 7 application to the system tray. I have managed to make the applicaiton window disappear but do not know how to create a icon for the applicaiton in the system tray or just minimize the application to the system tray.
I have made the application disappear by doing the following in the Activate of the form:
IF NOT thisform.activated
thisform.activated = .t.
I have a property on the form called activated.
This will cause the application window to disappear and only show in the Task Manager --> Processes tab which is perfect excepts for I would like to make the window reappear if needed and a icon in the system tray would be the best approach for that.
If anyone has any example code please post it here.
Thanks in advance
Answer : How to minimize a VFP 7 application to the system tray
I have used a vb dll from
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