Question : Modifying Conditional Formatting of Access Text Box on Continuous Form from VBA
I have seen posts explaining how the set the CF properties within VBA but these solutions must be triggered explicitly by the user during runtime. I need to have individual rows in a continuous form conditionally formatted with more than three conditions. I tried to use VBA in a function to set the CF properties and call the function from the text box's CF conition through CF dialog. While the code runs without errors the function is never enteed at runtime.
Does anyone know if it is possible to use VBA format rows in a continuous Access form?
Craig Harrington
Answer : Modifying Conditional Formatting of Access Text Box on Continuous Form from VBA
It appears there is no way to work around the 3 max limit on the number of format conditions allowed by Access when formatting a datasheet row on a continuous form. I'll close this question.
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