Question : How do I create a macro to print all records in a Pivot Table with multiple page fields and dynamically set print area?
I need help with vba in a macro for an Excel pivot table. There are 2 parts to my to my request for help.
(1) I have a pivot table with 2 page fields. I need to print all page field combinations.
(2) The print area will change because some fields have more items than others, so I need to dynamically adjust the print area to accommodate this. Could you help with VBA code to accomplish this task? I have attached a sample file.
Answer : How do I create a macro to print all records in a Pivot Table with multiple page fields and dynamically set print area?
The page count resets itself when it prints, if you don't want others to see the values, add this after line 25
and to clear the printarea, put this on the next line
ws.PageSetup.Printarea = ""
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