Question : Page Breaks in Group Section not working when inside a subreport.
Hello Experts,
I am using Access 2007.
I have a problem with Page Breaks not working when they are situated inside a subreport. Please see the example attached. NOTE: rename the file with a ".accdb" extension. I had to upload as .mdb due to rules of this site.
You can run the report called "_testReport" and see that the two Page Breaks at the beginning of the Group Section and just before the "Trench Profile" information work as expected. The blank first page is intentional.
The Form to run the compound report loads up on startup of the SurveyReport.accdb file - click the "Survey Report" button and you will see that those Page Breaks have disappeared.
High points tariff due to urgency and importance.
Answer : Page Breaks in Group Section not working when inside a subreport.
Told you it is interesting!
Try this!
(4.7 MB)
(File Type Details)
modified _testReport - a backup created
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