Question : Microsoft Access Unbound Field Problem
I have a Microsoft Access 2007 database that has a table containing personnel information. I am pulling the last name with full social security number. I have a parameter query running that is pulling data when the user types in the last four digits of the Social Security Number. I have a form listing the records by Social Security Number with Last Name based on the parameter query pulling the records. I need an unbound field on the form that will give the message, "no records found" when the user types in a four digit SSN that does not exist.
How can I use an If statement some how to say If SSNNUMBER = " " then Messge No records found" other wise have the unbound field be invisible otherwise?
Answer : Microsoft Access Unbound Field Problem
Use the attached as the the current event of your subform, substitute your label's name for MyLabel.
1: 2: 3:
Private Sub Form_Current() Me.Parent.MyLabel.Visible = Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 End Sub
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