Question : Average of numbers - count only records with complete data
I have a DB with a table that contains the core data (name, dept, RateJournal, RateBooks....). I have code written which will average the data for each field. The problem is some of the records do not have data for the "Rate.." fields. I want to count and average only those records for fields which have a number greater than 0. Not sure how to delete the incomplete records. Following is working code, but it is counting all records and then averaging. I am new to this type of calculations, please advise. Thanks.
'Number of records with priority rankings
sqlCount = "SELECT count(*) AS records FROM tblClinicians "
Set objCount = objConn.Execute(sqlCount)
sqlRank = "SELECT ROUND(AVG(tblClinicians.Ra
, 2) AS RateJournal, " & _
2) AS RateBooks, " & _
e), 2) AS RateDatabase, " & _
atePOC), 2) AS RatePOC, " & _
e), 2) AS RateMultiple, " & _
2) AS RateOther " & _
"FROM tblClinicians "
Set objRank = objConn.Execute(sqlRank)
Total number of evaluations completed (includes ONLY those responses where rankings were completed):
Ranking: importance of the type of online resources (#1 is first/top priority -
#2 is second/2nd priority)
Journals: <%=objRank("RateJournal")%
Books: <%=objRank("RateBooks")%>
Database: <%=objRank("RateDatabase")
Point of Care Products: <%=objRank("RatePOC")%>
Multiple Resources in One: <%=objRank("RateMultiple")
Other: <%=objRank("RateOther")%>
Answer : Average of numbers - count only records with complete data
re: "do not have data for the "Rate.." fields"
So, these fields probably allow NULL.
How about adding:
WHERE tblClinicians.RateJournal IS NOT NULL
AND tblClinicians.RateBooks IS NOT NULL
AND etc.
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