Question : .Net v1.1 Website Problem
I am migrating some web apps from an older server to a new Windows 2003 server. I have the directories and files copied from the old to the new. But I cannot get the application to work properly. It's a v1.1 application and I have the virtual directory in IIS setup exactly as it was on the old server. It's using the v1.1 .net framework on the tab. I get a 404 error when I try to browse to the site on the server. However, I can browse to a home.htm page I created just to be sure I was pointing at the right directory. I've tried restarting both IIS and .net.
Any ideas appreciated.
Answer : .Net v1.1 Website Problem
I think problem is a bit complicated
It's better to re-install IIS and then re-install .net framework and then try to start web application again
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