Question : SBS License service causing problems

Every 1.5 to 2 days, and sometimes on a bad day 2/3 a day, I have to restart the Licensing service on one SBS server we manage.

All of a sudden for no apparent reason, people are unable to connect to the server -- This is a problem that has just arisen, and we have had no increase in the number of users on the system.

Any ideas as to why this is happening, and how I can fix it would be appreciated. When I check for how many licenses we have it tells me five, even though I know it is more than this, and it allows a lot more than five simultaneous connections before causing issues

Answer : SBS License service causing problems

Believe it or not SBS cannot count properly. The licensing service has often been a problem, so much so that it has been completely removed from SBS 2008.

However if it says 5 CAL's you need to install or re-install the other CAL's. You are likely running out of licenses. SBS has 5 "ghost" licenses, such that if there are 5 CAL's installed you will not have a problem until the 11th device or user connects. SBS comes with 5 CAL's pre-installed, so it sounds like you have not installed any additional licenses.
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