Question : Vista x64 Driver Signature Enforcement

I'm looking to disable the mandatory driver signature enforcement in Vista x64 Ultimate.  I have partially gotten that to work, but there still some that occasionally refuse to install simply because they are unsigned.  I'm not looking for a security lesson or "It's not a good idea" as I am aware of the intention of the "feature" and the possible consequences of unsigned drivers...that being said, I've tried disabling it in gpedit by:

1) User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Driver Installation
enabling the "Code signing for drivers"
and then choosing "Ignore"
2) bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
3) bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks ON

While these methods do allow me to install many unsigned drivers, some still are blocked.

For responses to this question, I'm only looking for alternate methods that you have successfully used.  Thanks.

Answer : Vista x64 Driver Signature Enforcement

another item that I just found:

Cryptographic Services

this is listed under the vista services, this of course, as the name implys manages cryptography, and from a website previously provided there is a part of signed drivers that is encrypted, disableing this will yeild one of three results, the system won't boot, no drivers will install since it can't check the "thumb print", or all drivers will be able to be installed.

Try this at your own risk, and if you do try this let me know what the results are

A more advanced description of the service as to a website that I checked:

Provides four management services: Catalog Database Service, which confirms the signatures of Windows files; Protected Root Service, which adds and removes Trusted Root Certification Authority certificates from this computer; Automatic Root Certificate Update Service, which retrieves root certificates from Windows Update; and Key Service, which helps enroll this computer for certificates. If this service is stopped, these management services will not function properly.
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