Question : Show only comments, not formatting changes in track change balloons in MSword 2003
In MS word 2003, i want to track changes and add comments.
The comments are most easily viewed in balloons (Tools|Options|Track changes). However, the option to use balloons is "always," "never" or "only for comments and formatting". If i select the last option, then there are often 100's of balloons with formatting changes (which i don't care about), and they obscure the balloons with comments (which i care a lot about).
Is there any way to have comments but not formatting changes show up in balloons (seem like a long shot admittedly) in 2003?
Answer : Show only comments, not formatting changes in track change balloons in MSword 2003
My word is in spanish, however here you have a picture (Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words)
(42 KB)
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