Question : SQLDataAdapter fill multiple tables in DataSource using one stored procedure

Hello experts,

I am fairly new to VB.NET and I am faced with the following problem:

I am trying to populate two tables in a dataset using a stored procedure.  The tables are unrelated and the stored procedure has two separate select statements.  When executing the stored procedure in SQL Server Management studio I can see two separate tables.

The dataset as defined in the VB.NET .xsd file has two table definitions.
My issue is that only the first table gets populated.  How can I use the same SqlDataAdapter.

Here is how the FillDataSet subroutine looks like

Protected Sub FillDataset(ByVal commandText As String, ByVal dataSet As DataSet, ByVal     tableNames As String())
     Dim sqlCommand As sqlCommand = New sqlCommand(commandText, _conn)          
     sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
     _da = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand)
      'If I just call only the first table is filled.  
     _da.Fill(dataSet, tableNames(0)

    'If I just pass the dataSet
     _da.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey

     'I also tried to loop through the tables
     for iTableCount = 0 to tableNames.Length - 1
        _da.Fill(dataSet.Tables(iTableCount).DataSet, tableNames(iTableCount))

     ' I also tried adding tableMappings but still not success.

I try to determine if both tables were filled the following way:
ds.Table1.Rows.Count > 0
ds.Table2.Rows.Count = 0  ' Meaning that the table is empty.

Answer : SQLDataAdapter fill multiple tables in DataSource using one stored procedure

Do you have two selects in your stored proc?
Also you need to add table mappings...
 and Datarelations if any...
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