Question : Using calendar in Access2007 application
I would like to use a calendar (similar to that of Outlook) as a sub-form in my Access 2007 application.
I would like to store day/times when particular classes will be held. Then, I would like to code it, so that when a user double clicks on a particular calendar entry, it opens up a form displaying a particular class that was clicked on the calendar.
Is this possible to do? Is there a calendar module or add-on that can be used with Access 2007 that will allow me to treat it as an object?
Answer : Using calendar in Access2007 application
I've attached a database file with VBA source code and an example app that should do exactly what you want...
It's a pop-up calendar that you can treat like an object.
It will work in all versions of Access from 2000 onwards.
(38 KB)
(File Type Details)
Pop-up Calender in VBA
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