Question : step-by-step how to import csv file to sql table


can someone please guide to where i can find dummy proof step-by-step instructions on how to import a csv file to a sql table?


Answer : step-by-step how to import csv file to sql table

You got several options as described in

The simlest approach is using Import/Export wizard from EEM

Use EM -> Actions -> import
Choose the source as "Microsoft Excel 97-2000" and browse the source file
Chose the Destination, By default it will be the SQL server, you need to select the destination database, Click on next .- Next
In the next window, it will show the Sheets in the Excel sheet, you need to "Check" the sheet names and then, you need to browse the destination table if any Click on Next and , if you wish to run this immediately you an continue with the default options
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