Question : Excel slow opening sheet
I have built a windows 2008 terminl server farm.
1 domain controler, 3 terminal servers ,1 print and file server, 1 sun server and 50 Sunray 270 thin clients.
The problem is :-
Office is installed on the terminal servers and all users have redirected folders (gpo) to file server except for appdata.
Opening a word document is fast and no problem but opening an (even empty) worksheet in excel is very slow, up to 15 seconds.
If I run excel on a terminal server with a user with local folders (not redirected) then it opens as fast as a word document. What can i do to fix this.
Answer : Excel slow opening sheet
Foud the solution myself...
It is Symantec endpoint protection on the file and print server making the files open slowly.
Just disabled it and all opened fast...
Bad show Symantec.......
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