Question : Word 07 - How do I remove the margins completely so that a tilte spreads across an entire A4 page?
I read that I may have to use a printer bleeding option. Please advise.
Answer : Word 07 - How do I remove the margins completely so that a tilte spreads across an entire A4 page?
First make a test document: Type a long sentence, that takes more than 1 line. Choose the justify to align to both left and right margins.
Then set the margins: File Page setup Margins Set left and right margin to 0
Then you get the message: one or more margins are set outside the printable area of the document. Choose ignore
Now print the document. You get the message the margings of section 1 are set& do you want to continiue? Choose continiue.
Now your lines are printed from left to right, but perhaps there disappeared a few characters on the left and on the right. THAT IS THE PHISICAL LIMIT OF THE PRINTER. Perhaps you can adjust this phisical limit, I once was a service engineer at Kyocera, and there were specific commands that you could send to the printer to change these phisical margins, but that depends from printer to printer.