Here is code. Open a new module, and paste two functions there. Edit ffile to reflect location of house.txt
Function GetHouse()
Dim a As Variant
Dim b As Variant
Dim vstring As String
Dim vstr2 As String
Dim vstr As String
Dim vdtg As Date
Dim vacct As Long
Dim vtype As String
Dim vamt As Currency
Dim vtip As Currency
Dim vprint As String
Dim vpurge As String
Dim vemp As Long
Dim vcheck As Long
Dim vtender As Long
ffile = "Yourdrive:\yourpath\house.txt"
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("house")
Open ffile For Input As #1
Do While Not (EOF(1))
Line Input #1, vstring
If vstring Like "*TIME*" Or vstring Like "*----*" Or vstring = "" Then
GoTo loopit
End If
vstring = Replace(vstring, ",", "")
vstring = Onespace(vstring)
If Not (vstring Like "*EMP*") Then
a = Split(vstring, " ")
vdtg = CDate(a(4) & " " & a(3) & " " & a(5) & " " & a(0) & " " & a(1))
Debug.Print vdtg
vacct = a(6)
vtype = a(7)
vamt = a(8)
vtip = a(9)
vprint = a(10)
vpurge = a(11)
Line Input #1, vstring
vstring = Onespace(vstring)
b = Split(Trim(vstring), " ")
vemp = b(1)
vcheck = b(3)
vtender = b(5)
rs!dtg = vdtg
rs!account = vacct
rs!Type = vtype
rs!amt = vamt
rs!tip = vtip
rs!Print = vprint
rs!purge = vpurge
rs!EMP = vemp
rs!CHECK = vcheck
rs!TENDER = vtender
End If
Close #1
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
Function Onespace(vstr As String) As String
Do Until InStr(vstr, " ") = 0
vstr = Replace(vstr, " ", " ")
Onespace = vstr
End Function