Question : How to use two values in a VB.NET ComboBox
My situation is that I have a form called "Batch" that has a ComboBox that needs to be filled with User names. Once the user selects a name, I need to get the UserID for that name. I've tried using a DataSet, but I don't know how to retrieve the information from it. My SQL statement is:
mySQL = "SELECT UserID,LoginName " & _
"FROM Users " & _
"ORDER BY LoginName;"
Using the DataSet for the DataSource of the ComboBox property doesn't work. It doesn't work either if I select just the LoginName in mySQL. I've also thought of using a collection to store the information, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.
What I've tried is: cboLoginName.DataSource = myDataSet, and it doesn't work.
In your answer, I'll need clear and complete code because I am new to VB.NET. I want to implement this entirely in code.
I know that my DataSet contains the correct data, because I set the DataSource in a DataGridView to myDataSet, and that worked.
I hope someone can help, and that I explained my problem clearly.
Thank you!
Answer : How to use two values in a VB.NET ComboBox
No problem. Glad to help.
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