Question : Can I include other HTML files in a single HTML file?
Hi Experts
I;m Fairly competent with making regular HTML files with Frontpage but previous projects have used Frames to minimise the workload of layout and content. I have recently moved to using CSS with frontpage to control layout and enhance Search Engine spidering....
Is there a way to get Frontpage to use a separate HTML file in multiple pages e.g. a header and contents table at the top of each page (which is in a separate HTML file) so that the rest of the document content can be applied individually per page? Just using a regular FTP access web server.
I have heard of "server includes" but I believe this is for ASP.
Answer : Can I include other HTML files in a single HTML file?
I would strongly recommend using an Iframe to show the content of other pages in your "master page".
<A href="
" target="iframe"> click to see google embedded in my web page </A>
<IFRAME id="iframe" src="start-page.html" width="770" height="370" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no"></IFRAME>
It really is as simple as that, and it works seamlessly if you don't show any borders to the iframe.
Keep in mind, some sites (like google) contain code to break their pages out of iframes, so not all sites will happily reside in an iframe -- but many will -- you have to experiment. Good luck.
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