Question : MS Excel and Word 2003 won't scroll the bottom pane of a split window.
This occurs on one user's machine, only using that user's profile. 1. Open a Word or Excel document. 2. Click on the "Window" drop-down, select "Split" and click in the main window to set the split location. 3. Click in the bottom pane. 4. Use the scroll wheel to scroll the pane.
Using this person's profile on this machine, the TOP window scrolls regardless of where the cursor is. It appears to be impossible to scroll the bottom pane using the wheel on the mouse, with one exception. The Exel Window menu has a Freeze Panes option which freezes the top pane. Only when the panes are frozen can the user scroll the bottom half. When the panes are unfrozen, the user cannot scroll the bottom pane again. The Word Window menu has no such Freeze option.
I have tried starting the programs in Safe mode by holding down the control key while starting them up, but this has no effect. Another user can log into the same machine and will NOT experience this problem, and the affected user can log into another machine and everything works as expected. This seems to indicate that deleting the users local profile and rebuilding it would fix the issue, but I would like to avoid this if at all possible.
Any help is appreciated.. Thank You.
Answer : MS Excel and Word 2003 won't scroll the bottom pane of a split window.
Try a Microsoft Office repair to try and fix the problem first. If that doesn't work, I'd recommend deleting and re-creating the user's profile.