Question : How do I remap a key to "Tab" in Access 2007 form?
I'm putting together a form for tracking computer equipment. One bit of data to enter is "IP Address." I'm using four different text fields masked to three numbers each. I set the "Auto Tab" property to allow the cursor to move to the next octet field automatically when three digits are entered.
However, what about when only 1 or 2 digits is entered? Sure, you can press "Tab", but we're conditioned to press "." to move to the next octet when entering an IP address.
Is it possible to remap the "." key to perform a "Tab" in those text boxes?
Answer : How do I remap a key to "Tab" in Access 2007 form?
1) set the Form's KeyPreview property to Yes
2) In each text box ... put this in the KeyDown event:
Private Sub txtTheDate_KeyDown(KeyCode
As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = 190 Then
KeyCode = vbKeyTab
End If
End Sub
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