Question : What is the difference between members in Admistrators and members in Domain admins.
Hi, What is the difference between members in Admistrators and members in Domain admins. What is the difference in priveledges to the members inside this group. Can we add groups in these groups and what are the rights they will have if they are a members of these groups.
Regards Sharath
Answer : What is the difference between members in Admistrators and members in Domain admins.
I should correct my last statement, actually I have just tested, members of Administrators group have full and unrestricted access to DC, entire domain and all computers. Administrators group has by default three entries in forest root domain: Administrator user account, Domain Admins and Enterprise Admins group.
Because scope of Administrators group is domain local, this group is not seen in any other domain. I believe that's why Domain admins group exists, so that you can use it on other computers in domain or in other domains. This is a part of A G DL P strategy of using groups.