Question : Positioning hyperlink target cell at center of screen


I want to be able to click my hyperlink to another sheet and have the target cell appear at center screen.

Am using Excel 2010 and understand very little about macros etc.

Thankful for any help....

BTW: Happy New Year!   :)

Answer : Positioning hyperlink target cell at center of screen

To add VBA code to a worksheet or chart code module in an Excel workbook, right-click on the worksheet or chart tab at the bottom of the window and select View Code. Paste the code into the document window that appears. Press ALT+F11 to return to the Excel workbook. To find a worksheet or chart module when already in the VBE, press CTRL+R to open the VBE project explorer. Find the module in which the code will be placed - each worksheet and chart module is pre-assigned a name such as "Sheet1 (Sheet1)" where the name inside the parenthesis is the tab name. Double-click the desired module and paste the code into the document window that appears. Press ALT+F11 to return to the Excel workbook.

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