Question : 2 node cluster won't failover to one node
I have a win 2k3 sql cluster that I am having some problems with.
It all started with one of the tech guys "re-routing" cables and I believe he unplugged the power supply to our external (SCSI) raid array or possibly the heartbeat NIC. When he plugged it back in, the cluster had flipped over to node 2 as it should but there were several "ip conflicts" because i think both nodes were trying to grab ownership at the same time. Unfortunately, now when we try to flip back to node 1, it fails and node 2 keeps ownership.
First thing i tried was powering everything off and then just powering the ext. raid array and node 1 on. I noticed the cluster service was stopped and wouldn't start up. Since this is a production server, I had to bring node 2 up and as soon as it came up it grabbed ownership and the cluster service would start on node 1.
After that, I decided to reboot node 2 while the cluster service was running on node 1 and the cluster service stopped immediately on node 1 as soon as node 2 was rebooted.
I haven't been able to find anything useful on this subject but i coudl be looking in the wrong place. Below are some evntvwr errors that are causing the node to act up.
Event ID 1304
The disk associated with cluster disk resource 'Disk E: Q:' could not be found. The expected signature of the disk was XXXXXXXX. If the disk was removed from the server cluster, the resource should be deleted. If the disk was replaced, the resource must be deleted and created again in order to bring the disk online. If the disk has not been removed or replaced, it may be inaccessible at this time because it is reserved by another server cluster node.
Event ID 1009
Cluster service could not join an existing server cluster and could not form a new server cluster. Cluster service has terminated.
Event ID 1073
Cluster service was halted to prevent an inconsistency within the server cluster. The error code was 5892.
Event Id 1777
Cluster service is shutting down because the membership engine failed to arbitrate for the quorum device. This could be due to the loss of network connectivity with the current quorum owner. Check your physical network infrastructure to ensure that communication between this node and all other nodes in the server cluster is intact.
Sorry for the lengthy question...
Answer : 2 node cluster won't failover to one node
Try moving the default cluster group to node 1, then review event logs and cluster log on both nodes under c:\windows\cluster\cluster
.log, note times are in UTC.
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