Question : WCF Certificates

I need some clarity on the function of certifactes in WCF. I have a WCF service (hosted in IIS) and I want to know specifically how the certificates are working and how if I am authenticating properly. First I have a service certificate configured (test cert for now).  I have the same certificate installed on both the server and the client in the LocalMachine>Trusted People certificate store. In the client app.config file I simply have the identity configured as the name of the certificate (tempCert)...identically to the way the identity is configured on the server. What I am unsure of is how....exactly this is working. Given that the same certificate is installed on both machines does that mean the on the client side the public key is used and on the server side that the private key is used? I don't actually have to do anything...just ensure that the certificate on either end is installed and that it has a valid certificate authority? It appears to work...but given my lack of experience with certificates just seems to easy. Is there something I am missing?

My service's ServiceModel configuration is as follows in the web.config...Thanks for any input:



x509FindType="FindBySubjectName" />
Mode="Custom" customUserNamePasswordValidatorType="Services.Training.Service.SampleAuthenticator, Services"/>

Answer : WCF Certificates

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