Question : How to hyperlink a database of 1000's of Fedex tracking numbers to their own tracking Fedex webpage for beginner?
On a tracking spreadsheet (Excel 2000) I have a column of hundreds, sometimes thousands of Fedex tracking numbers. We now have a client who wants to be able to click onto a tracking number and be sent directly to the Fedex webpage that provides tracking info on that particular shipment. I have figured out how to create the hyperlink for individual tracking numbers, one at a time, but there must be a way (formula?) to do thousands in one step. I have attached a file as and example of what I'm starting with.
Here is the link to the Fedex Webpage where tracking numbers are manually entered:
P.S. I do not program so I would need to know step-by-step what to type in and where!
Answer : How to hyperlink a database of 1000's of Fedex tracking numbers to their own tracking Fedex webpage for beginner?
See the revised sample file form an example
(85 KB)
(File Type Details)
Revised File
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