Question : Default Null Dates to Zero Value Number
I'm using MSQuery in Excel to query an Access table. I HAVE to use MSQuery. I'm running into a problem since MSQuery cannot handle null dates with something like an NZ function in Access. So I think I'm going to have to alter the date fields in my Access table so MSQuery can query it. Currently the Date/Time field in the Access table can hold nulls. How do I set the null date/time values to the equivalent of 0 in the Access table? Is there such a value? I ask because I remember querying a table a while ago that when the results exported into Excel, the actual value was the date 1/0/1900 ----which equates to 0 in Excel. I will be outputting the query results in Excel so I need something that won't equate to a "real" date that can confuse the query results. Also, what is the best way to set the null date/times to a 0 equivalent date, through a NZ() update statement or set it at the property level of the table itself? Thanks.
Answer : Default Null Dates to Zero Value Number
a datetime value of 0 would equate to 31/12/1899 and that is what both Access and Excel will display in a field/cell formatted as date. I think you would have to do explicit tests to prevent such a display in Excel.
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