Question : What is the equivalent to SQL Servers @@ROWCOUNT?

I'm converting an database from MS Access to MS SQL 2000

I'm using PHP (old app was MS Access - new app is web based).

I've got a PHP class which uses ODBC to connect to the databases. I've got @@ROWCOUNT working fine for SQL server ...

But for MS Access I get the following error ...

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '@@ROWCOUNT'.

I had similar issues with "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS lastID;" (SQL) and had to use "SELECT @@IDENTITY AS lastID;" (Access).

I know I can rerun the query within a COUNT, but that is not what is wanted in this instance.

Is there an SQL statement I can issue to an access DB to get the number of rows for the last statement?


Answer : What is the equivalent to SQL Servers @@ROWCOUNT?

you should something like this:

select rowcount from

I feel there is no rowcount.

select count(*) from

Sorry! No idea.
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