Question : Windows 7 Easy Transfer
We have a desktop that we use while in the office. We have a laptop that we use when we are in the field. Both are currently XP machines. We are currently using Laplink Gold to synchronize the 2 computers before and after we go out to an offsite job so that we keep the same information on both machines. Does anyone know if Laplink Gold is Windows 7 compatible? If we switch the desktop and laptop to Windows 7, can we use the Easy Transfer function to synchronize the laptop and desktop instead of Laplink Gold? Thanks for your help!
Answer : Windows 7 Easy Transfer
Laplink Gold 2008 System Requirements
* Microsoft Windows XP/Server 2003/Windows XP Media Center/Vista
No mention of Windows 7
I suggest before you take a gamble to contact Laplink
and ask them :
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