Question : MS Access 2002 Crashes after searching with combo box
When I run this code in Access 2003 it works
I have a microsoft access data project that has an SQL Server backend running in Access 2002. You can search for records on the form via a combo box, using surname OR you can use Ctrl F, select the field you want to search by and click Find
If I search for a person in the combo box the record appears correctly. Then I click the edit button which changes AllowEdits=True so I can edit the record. On the form I have another button called Delete. Once you are in edit mode you can click this button which updates a field in the form called deleted and puts the current date and time in the field. When this code executes microsoft access crashes. If I change this line of code to updating another field on the form eg address which is a text field it still happens.
The weird thing is that if I search for the record using Ctrl F and then click the edit button and the delete button as abaove everything works okay-NO problems-This leads me to believ it is the combo box
I have done some searches on google and I think its a bug in Access 2002 Object library 10.0 Is there any way around the problem?
Answer : MS Access 2002 Crashes after searching with combo box
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